
The range of a prism results from, among other things, its coating and the glass geometry. A number of Original prisms from Leica Geosystems have a special coating on the reflective surfaces – the Anti-Reflex Coating, and a copper coating on the reverse side. Without these, the range of distance measuring, ATR and Powersearch would be reduced by up to 30%. The workmanship and the durability of the copper coating are decisive for a long life. The glass dimensions, the position in the holder and with it the areal orientation, are important for measuring accuracy.

Leica Geosystems prisms are manufactured from glass of the highest quality and furnished with optical coatings so that even under the most extreme environmental conditions, a long lifetime and maximum range of the highest accuracy can be achieved.



Min: £12.00 Max: £1511.00
£12 £1511


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