Detailed Description
PointCab Suite includes all of the tools needed to create plans, sections and elevations from point cloud data. Once imported the software generates DXF and JPEG format visualisations from the point cloud without the need to manipulate the source data. Functions include Layout and Section, Sketch, Photo Match, Merger, Panorama and Web Export.
Features & Benefits
PointCab Support Maintenance and Update Service 1 Year
To keep your PointCab software up-to-date we recommend the update and support service when purchasing PointCab software. PointCab Support & Update service provides you with live support for your PointCab license. You can call by phone, write an e-mail or clear up the issue via an online web session with the PointCab specialists. Furthermore, the support includes all software updates during the contract period.
PointCab Support is valid for 12 months and will be automatically renewed if you don't cancel the support contract at least 30 days prior to the end of the 12 months.
Prices for Upgrades from older versions to the newest one on request.